Family FUNS by Create Development (Day1)

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Event description

Family FUNS is a unique early intervention programme engaging families in regular, positive, active play in learning and home environments. It brings schools or community settings and families together, ensuring consistent messages and promoting positive parenting habits to develop essential learning behaviours and physical literacy.


- Aimed at children in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and KS1 and used by the whole family

- Families will enjoy exploring themes, activities and exciting resources with the support of a Family FUNS trainer in a school or community based club.

- Families will take home exciting resources to continue playing, reading and learning at home.


The training / support includes measured outcomes for all participating schools evidencing improved levels of;

- family physical activity and play

- Children’s Fundamental movement skills (Agility/Balance and Coordination)

- Children’s confidence, resilience, social, creative and thinking skills

- Knowledge and confidence of parents/carers to play and interact with their children.


See Family Funs Brochure for more information including costs and resources provided.

Training is included for 1-2 staff and is delivered over 2 days;


Dates in Norfolk (Location tbc)

Day 1: Friday 20th May

Day 2: Thurs 30th June


For more information, to arrange a call/meeting to discuss further or to book onto the course please contact Rob McCombe

[email protected]